

デザイン心理学研究室に外国人研究員として滞在中のVinai Norasakkunkit 先生(Gonzaga University)が先進科学センター国際セミナーにて講演いたしました。


When Society Changes Faster than Culture: Youth and the "Dark Side" of Globalization in Post-Industrial Japan

Dr. Vinai Norasakkunkit examines how Japanese youth are being marginalized in their own society by focusing on the psychological consequences of cultural practices at the institutional level, especially in the labor market, not keeping up with social structural changes and globalization trends. Specifically Dr. Norasakkunkit argues that Japanese youth bear the brunt of the cost of institutional resistance to globalization pressures. He further experimentally examines some of the psychological consequences of being marginalized in this way, including shifting values and shifting motivational processes. This research is the culmination of Dr. Norasakkunkit’s work in experimental cultural psychology and some theoretical work at the intersection of psychology and sociology. This research examines what is happening in postindustrial Japan as an example of some of the challenges related to social structural changes due to globalization pressures.