デザイン心理学研究室のスタッフおよび学生がIASDR2009(COEX ソウル)に滞在しています。会期中は会場におりますので当研究室に興味をお持ちの方はお気軽に声をおかけください。
Faculty and students of the Design Psychology Unit, Chiba University are visiting IASDR2009 (COEX, Seoul). We will be staying through the conference. If you are interested in becoming a student, posdoc, or visiting scholar at our lab, please feel free to talk to us. We will give the following talks:
・Measuring Consumers' Emotional Bonds with the Advertising Media from the Psychological Perspective: Shinichi Koyama, Xiaofeng Jiang, Miki Yoshitake, Kento Nakajima, Miki Otsuka, Toru Shono, Yoshihide Nagao, Ritsuya Oku and Haruo Hibino
・Recognition of Non-Japanese Custom Color Names: Relation among Distance in Color Space, Familiarity of Color Names,and Imaginableness of Color Names: Yosuke Yoshizawa, Haruo Hibino and Shinichi Koyama